Thursday, February 26, 2015

O'Reilly Scares A Rabbit

Frankly, I don't care much for O'Reilly, but whatever you think of him, he is not a rabbit. David Corn, on the other hand, is hop hoppity hopping. David Corn: O'Reilly's "Violent" Rhetoric Has My Friends and Family Worried About Me
But I have to say I was surprised by the use of rhetoric that had a violent tone to it. And the fact that after saying that, neither Bill O'Reilly or anybody at FOX, including some of the people I used to work with there, amicably, felt obligated to say well, you know, that's going too far. Apparently they think it's proper for one journalist to call another one names and also to say they ought to be put in the kill zone.

The thing that bothers me most about that, is that not that it scares me off the story or anything, but I have family members, I have friends who are concerned about me now. And why? Only because I'm doing my job as a reporter in Washington, D.C., not in a war zone, and yet they now fear that, you know, that language like that might have repercussions. I don't know.

I don't want to be all doomsday about it. But I do know it's highly inappropriate and just from a sake of humanity, he can call me a liar, even though he doesn't disprove, as you noted, a single fact in the story that Dan Schulman and I wrote. But talking about putting me in a place of death? I mean, if he can't recognize that's going too far, then I guess that speaks for itself.

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