Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Do Black Lives Matter or Not?

Wasted Advantages
Pelisek broke the story of the Grim Sleeper serial killer, so-called because he was back on the prowl after taking a decade and a half off. The arrest of Lonnie David Franklin, Jr. in 2010 led to a horrifying realization: there had been at least five serial killers active in South Central in 1984-1994, murdering about 100 people, most of them black crack prostitutes—and nobody noticed.
Four of the serial killers were black.

People who shout "Black Lives Matter" don't to anything to save blacks lives, in fact they actively support policies that lead to more black deaths. And then there are people who genuinely seem to care, or at least take actions that actually save black lives:
“It’s controversial, but first thing is all of your — 95 percent of your murders, and murderers, and murder victims fit one [unintelligible]. You can just take the description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all of the cops. They are male, minorities, 15 to 25. That’s true in New York, it’s true in virtually every city in America,” said Bloomberg.
“You’ve got to get the guns out of the hands of the people getting killed,” he continued. “First thing you can do to help that group is to keep them alive.”
... It’s all the same group. Nobody in New York gets murdered — if you get murdered the first thing you want to do is [ask] ‘what were you selling or who are your family members.’ Because it just has to be you’re a drug dealer or you [unintelligible] a family quarrel. There’s just no other kind of murder whatsoever,” 
We did a calculation on how many people who would have been dead if we hadn’t brought down the murder rate and gotten guns off the streets,” Bloomberg said. “And the way to get guns out of kids hands is to throw them up against the wall and frisk them.”

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