Thursday, February 19, 2015


How Cuba became the new GLBT vacation hot-spot
Despite its limited scope, that gay tourism is an up-and-coming business niche for Cubans is an arguably watershed moment for the island, reflecting two simultaneous shifts: first, increasing acceptance of the island’s own gay community and second, greater economic flexibility that allows entrepreneurial-minded Cubans like Ortiz and Diaz to become actual business owners. That economic opportunity in Cuba is expanding significantly (however slowly) hasn’t escaped the attention of the US and the rest of the world. But the fact that the Cuban GLBT community has been scoring its own gay rights victories just as their US peers made history, has blown right past many of us.
New strain of HIV found in Cuba is twice as agressive as average virus
A new strain of HIV has been found in Cuba, which progresses to AIDS twice as fast as the average strain of the virus. The strain, which is a mix of three subtypes of HIV, can progress to AIDS within 3 years without treatment- twice as fast as the 6 to 10 years that the average strain takes to progress.
From last year: Drug-resistant gonorrhea strain may have started in SF

Anonymous Conservative comments:
Only in this weird, ass-backwards world could the group which is routinely producing diseases that threaten humanity criticize the groups which want to shun and avoid both them and the diseases they carry.

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