Friday, February 6, 2015

Call The Traitors Out, Islamic State Ambassador Obama

Birth certificate or not, Obama is not an American, nor even a faithful citizen of Western civilization, nor is anyone else who make comparisons such as this:

Obama said that even though religion is a source for good around the world, there will always be people willing to “hijack religion for their own murderous ends.”
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said. “In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
People sometimes used the Bible to defend slavery and Jim Crow because they were increasingly indefensible, coming under criticism from......Christians. So......yeah.......

The Crusades were a counterattack when Muslims were behaving like ISIS 1000 years ago, attacking Christians in the Holy Land. No Muslims, no Crusades.

Evil committed by Christians while on the Crusades were acts against the teachings of Christ. Muslims committing evil while invading foreign lands were following Mohammed's teachings. Christians who committed evil went to Church to confess their sins. Muslims had no such need, since it is not a sin for a Muslim to rape children, crucify and torture in the name of Allah as long as the victims are unbelievers. ISIS is at least not so bigoted, and will commit all manner atrocities against Muslims too. Maybe there was an "I have a dream" fatwah.

The Inquisition could be renamed the anti-colonial Muslim removal act. Again, evil was committed by Christians acting contrary to the teachings of Christ, in the process of removing Muslim occupiers.

Another point on the difference between Muslims and Christians: have you ever heard Muslims apologize for all of their repeated invasions? They committed acts of war as acts of religious devotion. The suicide bomber and ISIS child-rapist of today may only differ in degree from the Muslims who invaded numerous nations whose names can only be found in the history books.

It is true, sometimes Buddhists or Christians or Jews or Hindus will "hijack religion for their own murderous ends," but these instances can be numerated and have been condemned by the religion itself, with condemnation often coming from contemporaries. Islam is murderous by nature and you'd quickly be unable to numerate all the acts of evil committed in the last month, let alone the last 1000 years.

More than 700 years ago, Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos,  under siege from Muslims, asks in a dialog with an "educated Persian":
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only bad and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Islam is as it ever was, much closer to murder hijacked for religious ends than vice verra.

Incoming: the Islamic State agrees with Obama. Or rather, maybe President Obama took notes from the Islamic State video of the Jordanian pilot, since he made the same arguments.
ASRA NOMANI, JOURNALIST: That's why I think that it's actually an act of sitting on a high horse when you try to pretend what we see in the world today isn't real. We're just standing in a hall of mirrors. If I have bags under my eyes, it's because I've spent the last 48 hours dissecting every second of the sad video that documented the murder of the Jordanian pilot. And I will tell you how that video begins. It began with, "b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm" which means in the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. 
It then went to a clear and very obvious declaration that this was from the Islamic State. It was not some fancy acronym like ISIL and ISIS and all of this. It was clearly the Islamic State. And then the video proceeded to talk about the Crusades, which he had mentioned at the prayer breakfast today, to bring up every grievance against Israel, the Jews, and every other possible infraction that anybody has ever done against Muslims, so that we become a culture of wooed collectors and that is how we act out with only violence. 
And then they proceeded to talk about Koranic verses from Surat al-Anfal, which tells people, the believers to have courage to fight and to take courage in their fight. And then it proceeded to tell us that there is a hadith, a saying from the Prophet Muhammad and a Fatwah that says that we should participate in these just wars, even if they are against our own fellow Muslims. So to pretend that this isn't a reality of Islam in the world today, that there is a "true Islam" that is the reality of our world is to me just a dance that we're playing to our peril. 
Asra Nomani: Terrorist In Jordanian Pilot Video Cited Similar Grievances Obama Aired At Prayer Breakfast

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