Friday, February 20, 2015

Obama Not A Patriot

Giuliani Doubles Down on Obama Comments: "I Do Not Withdraw My Words"
I'm right about this. I have no doubt about it. I do not withdraw my words. If the president goes and makes a speech and talks about what a great country this is, if the president could complete the following sentence, during the Crusades the Christians were barbarians and so were the Muslims, if the president could say Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is our enemy, I will applaud the president. But until he does that, I will have doubts about his emotions, his feelings, his attitudes and the way in which he developed. We haven't even mentioned some of the other communists and leftists who educated him as a young man. But all we need is Reverend Wright. 17 years in that church and that man condemned America over and over and over again. And he remained a member of that church?
The progressive retort: Stephanie Miller: Giuliani's Comments About Obama Akin To The N-Word And The C-Word
He absolutely is saying the president doesn't love America, and as Alex [Wagner] pointed out, the president's speech that we all remember, he said only in America could my story be possible. In every speech. Barack Obama is a walking endorsement for what the United States of America is and this is just another example of the unprecedented disrespect that this president has gotten.
That would be a fine argument if Obama thought America was good in general, but he, and his wife, only believe America is good because he won. He loves himself and since he won election, thinks America loves him too. He has no love for America otherwise.

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