Sunday, January 18, 2015

After Polygamy Comes Pedophilia and Incest

World War P Beckons
Someone on Twitter shared an Upworthy article on a 19-year-old pedophile who has never gone near a child (not giving Upworthy clicks). The Upworthy article was wasteful clickbait saying to listen to this This American life podcast (I didn’t listen to it). It also link to this sob story of 16-year-old pedophile.* It’s looking more likely that World War P may be on the horizon.
New York Magazine promoting ‘consensual incest’, apparently already legal in New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Quebec
Sure, they may appear to just be presenting an account of ‘consensual’ incest, but to publish a long interview with a pro-incest advocate as they’ve done, while maintaining an ostensibly neutral, non-judgmental tone, frankly ends up, in essence, giving a platform for advocacy of that view. (And the progs ridiculed us when we said ‘gay marriage’ was a slippery slope…)
This comes on the heels of the Vagina Monologues being banned for transphobia. Which has feminists turning to right-wing media for news:
It’s sad that conservative media does a better job of reporting the destruction of women’s rights through transgenderism than so-called “liberal” media.
You ain't seen nothing yet.

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