Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Progressive Meltdown

A raging dumpster fire of hilarity is rolling across The Warren as rabbits start coming across feel bads online. The amygdala overloads, oxygen is cut to the brain and the result is a yellow stream of consciousness running down their leg. A beginner's guide to the Redpill Right
While these so-called “racial realist” views aren’t mainstream in science, they are common in the Redpill universe, especially its most militant and regressive regions, such as the Neoreaction movement. Also occasionally called the “Dark Enlightenment”, this is a movement that seeks to defeat “the Cathedral” (an incoherent alliance of everyone who isn’t a neoreactionary) and roll back liberal affectations like humanism and democracy in favor of monarchy, slavery and ethnic pogroms.
Thankfully, Neoreaction isn’t particularly large or influential. It is mostly confined to a handful of bloggers such as Michael Anissimov, software developer Curtis “Mencius Moldbug” Yarvin, and author Nick Land. But even this fringe of the Redpill Right finds support in unexpected places. You can find Redpiller arguments in any sufficiently young, sufficiently white, sufficiently male internet company, be they neoreactionaries or bitcoiners, hardcore skeptics or GamerGaters, tax evaders or pick-up artists.
Black Sun Rising
Today’s New Right and techno-futurist circles are echoing the unorthodox beliefs of Nazi cosmologists.

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