Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Leftism In Action: Destroying Africa

Care/harm: cherishing and protecting others.
Fairness/cheating: rendering justice according to shared rules. (Alternate name: Proportionality)
Liberty/oppression: the loathing of tyranny.
Loyalty/betrayal: standing with your group, family, nation. (Alternate name: Ingroup)
Authority/subversion: obeying tradition and legitimate authority. (Alternate name: Respect.)
Sanctity/degradation: abhorrence for disgusting things, foods, actions. (Alternate name: Purity.)
Based on Moral Foundations Theory, leftists care more care/harm and fairness. However, this reaches absurd levels with modern progressives who only care about the perceived care. Modern progressives are like Medieval doctors who used blood-letting as a treatment. Even if you showed them evidence that blood-letting was harming patients, they would argue that you are bad because you don't care about the sick.

This is why we get stories such as this one: Meant to Keep Malaria Out, Mosquito Nets Are Used to Haul Fish In
The nets have helped save millions of lives, but scientists worry about the collateral damage: Africa’s fish.
Part of the concern is the scale. Mosquito nets are now a billion-dollar industry, with hundreds of millions of insecticide-treated nets passed out in recent years, and many more on their way.
They arrive by the truckload in poor, waterside communities where people have been trying to scrape by with substandard fishing gear for as long as anyone can remember. All of a sudden, there are light, soft, surprisingly strong nets — for free. Many people said it would be foolish not to use them for fishing. 
“The nets go straight out of the bag into the sea,” said Isabel Marques da Silva, a marine biologist at Universidade LĂșrio in Mozambique. “That’s why the incidence for malaria here is so high. The people don’t use the mosquito nets for mosquitoes. They use them to fish.”
Leftists are destroying the environment of Africa by their actions, and their response is to think of new ways to interfere in the lives of Africans. Always driven by the need to show they care, they do irreparable harm.

Now consider how the NYTimes would have written up that story if a Westerner opened a factory and polluted the water, causing less total damage while giving people a livelihood.

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