Friday, January 30, 2015

The SJW Dogs Broke Their Chain

Jonathan Chait Denounces Political Correctness (Except His)
But, as I’ve been pointing out for a long time, the Obama Coalition is mostly held together by its hatred for cisgendered straight white males like, oh, to pick another random example, Jonathan Chait.
Ever since the 2014 election, the progressive crack-up has been proceeding. Winning covers up a lot of fractures, but losing pulls the masking tape off.
So, in New York magazine this week, Jonathan Chait is firing back at all the Social Media Justice Warriors who denounce him and his friends, such as Hanna Rosin (basically, the Stephen Glass Support Network at The New Republic in the 1990s), for occasionally expressing a thought besides “CSWMs Are Evil:”
How Social Justice Warriors Are Creating An Entire Generation Of Fascists
Finally, what SJWs do not realize is that they are single-handedly cultivating a generation of fascists. The more extreme the left becomes, the more right-wing and reactionary people will become as a result. It happened in the 1980s as a response to the left being overwhelmed with hippies and it will happen again in the future as a response to the left being overwhelmed with SJWs – only, this time, the right-wing will be far more extreme than the likes of Ronald Reagan. SJWs are paving the way for a future dominated by far-right extremists. These so-called advocates of “social justice” are the best gift that neo-Nazis could have possibly asked for: the most extreme and unpleasant aspects of the far-left amplified for all the world to see. The more absurd and outrageous SJWs become, the more the far-right gains support and sympathy. If SJWs think that they’re “oppressed” right now… well, they had better be prepared for the future that they’re helping to create.
I can't tell how many neo-nazis are actually out there. The Stormfront crowd has been unofficially let out of the dog house thanks to decades of liberals calling anything to the right of Dwight Eisenhower racist and fascist. However, from my perspective, not a small portion of the "Nazis" are adept trolls who know how to push SJW buttons.

I'm not even sure how the author above defines fascist. For the most part, people discussing the return of the patriarchy and similar ideas are anti-fascist, not wanting anything even remotely similar to the fascist revolutionaries of the 20th Century. Fascism was a democratic phenomena. It is also wholly anti-American, to the extent we're talking about Americans here.

SJWs have to scream loudly because ultimately, no one cares. Fascism is their rape fantasy. To be out-grouped is their greatest fear. Irrelevance is there nightmare.

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