Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Another 9/11!

New York premiere of 'The Interview' canceled
The premiere of Seth Rogen and James Franco’s comedy “The Interview” in New York has been canceled in the wake of a message sent by the Sony hackers that threatened a 9/11-style attack on theaters showing the film.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Holy !#@$: Republican Brains Spotted

This is brilliant. Republicans have captured a number of blue states in recent elections. Republicans in these states are considering changing how a state's electors are chosen. All states except for Maine and Nebraska are winner take all. In Maine and Nebraska, the electors are voted in each congressional district, with the final 2 votes going to the popular vote winner.

If the changes are made in blue states, it means Republicans could make pickups without performing any better in the popular vote. States such as California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania have many Republicans in their Congressional delegation, but the Democrats are almost a lock to win the state each year due to higher populations in the cities. If these changes were implemented in these states (and Republicans can't do this in NY or California, which are key states), Republicans could cut into the Democratic advantage in elections.

Secession is somewhat of a stupid idea because if you look at a county-by-county map of America, it's clear that New York, Illinois,Pennsylvania, and the eastern parts of California, Oregon and Washington, would all opt to join a secessionist rump. Blue state Republicans fighting for their say in the electoral college could be a step in the direction of secession, or a way to make secession unnecessary. If this could be achieved, the only other step needed to restore the country would be to deport all the illegals and assimilated naturalized citizens.

Now they’re trying to steal 2016: The demented GOP schemes to rewire the Electoral College and elect a Tea Party president

Saturday, November 29, 2014

From the People Who Brought You Ebola and Paralyzed Children

Obama's Next Gift: AIDS and Uncurable STDs

Why not allow meth addicts to donate blood? It's only a small step down from guys who have unprotected anal sex with 300 random men each year.

Rabbits love random death and destruction. Got AIDS? Too bad! You can't sue the government for being incompetent and if you protest the blood tainted by a thousand anuses, you are a hater.

FDA weighs lifting ban on blood donations from gay men
Advisers for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will meet next week to decide whether gay men should be allowed to donate blood, the agency’s biggest step yet toward changing the 30-year-old prohibition. 
If the FDA accepts the recommendation from its advisory board, it would roll back a policy that has faced mounting criticism from LGBT advocates and some members of Congress for more than four years.
“We’ve got the ball rolling. I feel like this is a tide-turning vote,” said Ryan James Yezak, an LGBT activist who founded the National Gay Blood Drive and will speak at next week’s meeting. “There’s been a lot of feet dragging and I think they’re realizing it now.”
Reconsidering the policy will be the first agenda item for the Advisory Blood Products Advisory Committee when it meets Dec. 2
Critics of the ban, which was enacted during the national AIDS epidemic in 1983 and was last updated in 1992, say it ignores mounds of scientific evidence concluding that blood donations pose no risk than the greater public if properly screened.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

China Is A Free Country

Beijing store sparks racism row... by banning Chinese customers
A clothing store in Beijing has sparked a bizarre race row by banning Chinese customers from the premises for being "too annoying".
The sign on the front door of the store on Yabao Road reading "Chinese not admitted - staff excluded" appeared more than a week ago, the Beijing Youth Daily reported yesterday after receiving complaints from residents.
"We didn't want to hang up the sign in the first place and lead people to think we Chinese look down upon ourselves. But some Chinese customers are too annoying," a salesperson told the paper, adding that the wholesale store mainly sells to foreigners.
Legal scholar Li Xiandong, of the China University of Political Science and Law, told the Beijing Youth Daily that while the sign was discriminatory, the mainland had not outlawed racial discrimination, so the sign was not breaking any laws.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Chuck Todd of NBC: Bring Back Separate But Equal

I don't see how you reach any other conclusion based on his desire to see that black majority cities are protected by black majority police forces.

If the cops are majority white in a majority black city, this is racist.
If the black cops are sent to majority black neighborhoods, this is racist because the black cops are sent to the high risk areas.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Anonymous Conservative on Obama's Amnesty Move

The amnesty move was triggering. I was listening to Limbaugh and had to shut off the radio because of this:
Basically Rush Limbaugh marveling at how we all know our freedom is ending, and the Constitution is being destroyed. We all know where this leads, but nobody is willing to do anything to stop it. The reason is one we have all experienced. You are irritated by one thing, and it makes you experience anger at another thing which is really so minor it should never have precipitated anger in the first place. That phenomenon works in reverse. You can be so comfortable and un-irritated in life, that even major calamities elsewhere won’t bother you enough to make you act. In this case, what we are missing is resource constriction.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and when most people are fat and happy, they don't want to be vigilant and risk their content existence.

AC is also describing what socionomics would call social mood. The entire society has a mood too and until 2000, it was moving higher.  The socionomic argument is that we as a society are turning negative and the economy will constrict as a result. We do want to fight and clean out thesystem, and therefore we're going to unconsciously pursue policies and behaviors that tank the economy and force the resource constriction that will set off the battle. MGTOW (men going their own way) is an example, the buying of precious metals, destructive economic policies in DC and the "@#%^ it" response from businessmen who sell or refuse to expand. China and Japan's aggressive island policies in the Pacific, the U.S. and Russia confrontation, etc. Everywhere you look, policies that lead to conflict are more numerous than those pursuing cooperation.

This bit is interesting. AC says Obama is a narcissist and he wrote a very good book on it: Dealing With Narcissists, so I defer to his opinion. Here's what he predicts:
I am even increasingly thinking that Obama probably wants to hand the 2016 elections to the Republicans.
One thing about narcissists – everything they do invariably screws over all of the people closest to them, all of the time. 
 Hmmm, so maybe Hillary in 2016 and the wildest Democratic convention since 1968.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Perfect Explanation of Why Leftist Outrage Attacks Work

And also how to defeat them.
Imagine doing this to a child.
The kid is walking through a room doing nothing much and suddenly POW… and then you tell the kid… well that was YOUR fault. You screwed up. You stepped on that spot on the floor.
So the kid looks at the spot and it looks like every other spot. But the kid is told that, no, the fact that she can’t even SEE the spot is what the problem is. You can’t SEE the spot… that’s why it is YOUR fault. Also, a good child will try to learn. You’re a good child, aren’t you?
So the kid says, yes… it was my fault. I could not SEE the spot. Not seeing the spot makes this my fault.
Afterward, it’s still impossible to see the spots, and walking across the room becomes fraught with danger. Sitting down at the keyboard gives this very “good” person the shakes and panic attacks… where are the spots? She still can’t see the spots but she MUST agree and believe that those spots exist.
More here: SJWs and Amygdala Defects

The way to defeat the attack is obvious: deny the existence of the spot. And if you want to turn it up a notch, tell the people who are seeing spots they need to get their eyes or brain checked.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Another Liberal Gets Mugged

Good find by Dyspepsia Generation:
After Tuesday, I don’t know that I can call myself a liberal anymore. It’s not that I don’t want to call myself a liberal. After all, as I understand liberal ideals, I still believe in most of them, if not all of them. No, I guess I’m not a liberal anymore because Bustle, The Verge, Salon, Polygon, Kotaku, Gamasutra, The Mary Sue, The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and others spent the last 2 months telling me I’m no longer wanted as an unashamed, voting liberal. They did this based on my primary hobby and the Y chromosome I was born with. They did this after some of them told me I was dead or needed to die for the crime of holding my primary hobby as a part of my identity. They did this because some people I don’t know made threats against people I’d never heard of before; subsequently, I was told I needed to die because of my Y chromosome and my hobby.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Swimming in the Ocean

"It's difficult and uncomfortable to admit that we have to talk about race/class/gender/sexuality/ability/etc, all at once. I get it."

In Russia and  China, they are not talking about race/class/gender/sexuality/ability/etc at all. They are talking about how to annex territory and expand their economies.

Meanwhile, the West is deploying an ever larger share of GDP and mindshare to bullshit.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On Anarcho-Tyranny

From More Right: Social Technology and Anarcho-Tyranny
But I’ve come to understand that anarcho-tyranny, properly used, is a much more specific diagnosis. It is describing a particular set of adaptations that societies are forced to use when they’re living in the aftermath of a collapse in what I’ll call social technology. ......We use the term “technology” when we discover a process that lets you get more output for less investment, whether you’re trying to produce gallons of oil or terabytes of storage. We need a term for this kind of institutional metis – a way to get more social good for every social sacrifice you have to make – and “social technology” fits the bill. Along with the more conventional sort of technology, it has led to most of the good things that we enjoy today.

This fits into this recent post on The Right Stuff on Context Denial, in regards to race. Or as Sailer would put it, noticing things. Leftism in the pursuit of equality denies all context and refuses to notice things. This is why we can't have nice things.

Anarcho-Tyranny is what might be called social sabotage: the destruction of social technology. There is cost, but little to no benefit. Trade-offs are in the middle. Social technology delivers large benefits for small costs.

Problem: high crime in minority neighborhoods
Social technology: deploy police into minority neighborhoods and increase police presence (which could mean physical bodies or tougher policies) until crime rate declines
Context denial: conflate random shootings by white people as equivalent to far higher non-random minority murders
Social sabotage: promote universal police laws that are solely a burden for low crime areas and do nothing to reduce crime rates, such as gun control

Problem: exploding Muslims
Social technology: find the exploding Muslims (as is done in Israel) or deport all Muslims and restrict their entry
Context denial: everyone is a potential terrorist because Oklahoma City
Social sabotage: pass universal airport screening and security checks that burden the 99.9% non-terrorists; spend precious police resources investigating milita groups who play paintball on the weekends

Problem: illegal immigration
Social technology: control the border; find and deport illegal immigrants; ask business to help
Context denial: Europeans came to America with no checks in 1750 so Bangladeshis can come to America in 2014 with no checks
Social sabotage: the State Department implements a labyrinth system of immigration checks on legal immigrants, subjecting them to extensive background checks, medical checks and forcing native citizens to be legally liable if said immigrant ends up on welfare; visitors are all assumed to be immigrants and must pass extensive background checks, denying millions of potential tourists entry. Department of Homeland Security keeps the borders wide open to illegal immigrants and grants them an extended stay in the U.S. free from prosecution; does not check them for diseases and ferries them around the country, spreading disease as far and wide as possible. Propose a national ID system and allow all illegals to stay permanently.

For every failure, the policy response is to tighten universal controls. One shoe bomber? Everyone take off your shoes at the airport. One underwear bomber? Full body x-ray. One iPhone bomb carried in terrorist's anal cavity? ......

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Picture Speaks 1000 Words

And that's good news, because soon most Americans may only have a 1000 word vocabulary.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Joke Becomes U.S. Policy

A few days ago I typed up a post after seeing this video: O'Reilly: We Need An Official "Declaration of War On Terrorism"

Immediately, I thought "We Need An Official Declaration of War on War!" That's not a new joke, but it just became a lot funnier because with enough Hopium, stupid jokes can become true!

Obama said that "'we must declare war on war, so the outcome will be peace upon peace.'"
Obama says force is necessary against Islamic State 'killers'

Pakistani Gang Rape in Rotterham, Pakistani Slaves at 7-Eleven

Imagine the Rotherham guys can get together with the 7-Eleven guys. Profit$, The American Dream.

Modern Slave Plantations Running in Virginia

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mystery Virus Is Obama's Gift to America

If they'll lie about 1400 women raped, gang raped and forced into sex slavery in the UK for fear of racism, why wouldn't the American government lie about the origin of a diseases that are suddenly popping up in cities that have been shipped illegal aliens?


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Sick Culture

The leftist Gaia religion has imposed its religious beliefs on California area schools. As far as I know, religious worship is not allowed in public schools, but maybe there is an opportunity to turn a frown upside down.

Step 1. Get schools to ban meat on Monday.

Step 2. Get parents concerned.

Step 3. Get them to at least serve fish.

Step 4. Demand it be moved to Friday.

Step 5. Ask the Pope to declare victory over American public schools.

Monday, September 8, 2014

We Are Living in the New Dark Ages

Sometime in the future, society will find that it cannot extirpate destructive cultural memes, pornography and general filth without banning all content created between 19XX and 20XX. There will be professionals tasked with sorting through the cultural artifacts and pulling out the genuine works of art. Due to the general level of discourse however, most everything is inaccessible including Facebook, Twitter and Blogger archives. This period will be dubbed a New Dark Age and relegated to the ash bin of history. Rumors of the content of these sites will be common. Middle school students will amuse themselves by telling their friends that people used to watch videos of coprophagia and it even became a popular cultural meme. The friends won't believe it though. They know the New Dark Age was bad, but not that bad. As time goes by and the culture is re-sensitized, even the exaggerated stories will become tamer, until the supposedly made up rumors of the time will be more tame than prime time cable television.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Anarcho-Tyranny of August

Best take on Ferguson over at Handle's Haus, complete with many links to Sailer's Ferguson posts so I don't have to list them out: Procrustean Rashomon
So, for any major media event of this kind, each faction – Progressives, Libertarians, and Conservatives – will first decide what agenda item is most important to them, then tend to take a very selective sample of the facts, stretch them to fit their preferred ideological version of reality with their own good goods and bad guys, and thus tell stories that differ greatly from each other and also with reality.  Procrustean Rashomon.

A good delineation of what neoreation thinks about democracy from the Outisde In: Non-Democracy
The Neoreactionary critique is in fact directed at demotic government, a regime class that includes democracy, authoritarian populism, and socialist ‘people’s republics’. The reliable signature of this class is that its members legitimate themselves through democracy, however their various levels of democracy are gauged by social scientific analysis. North Korea self-identifies as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (and to a formalist, this is of ineliminable significance). Since it is the principle of democratic legitimation that NRx denounces, its models are restricted to a far more compact class than ‘non-democracies’ — namely, to non-demotic states: with absolute monarchies and colonial regimes as the purest historical examples, supplemented by restricted-franchise commercial republics (17-18th century United Provinces and United Kingdom*), (still virtual) Joint-Stock Republics, and demotically-compromised Confucian Autocracies, plus rightist military juntas (since Pinochet cannot reasonably be excluded). As soon as regimes of such types are statistically amalgamated with socialist / populist dictatorships, the theoretical chaos is irredeemable.
A then there's the podcast from The Right Stuff: The Daily Shoah. If nothing else, listen to the JQMinute that starts around 1hr 42min.

Also from TRS: White-Presenting Nationalism
I’d like to add a wrinkle to that line of reasoning. White “Supremacy” is only reality when whites apply themselves to being as white as possible. Juggalo culture, and Black-Presenting “wiggers” are usually the most derided subset of American whites by anyone with any sort of education or sense of identity. Blacks don’t like the appropriation of their “authentic” ghetto culture, and White-Presenting Whites don’t like seeing their kind imitating people they are clearly better than. I feel literally no loyalty to wiggers or juggalos. They are not part of my vision of Supremacy. The color of their skin doesn’t give them a pass on acting stupid. If anything, their failure to realize their potential is even more damning. Having white skin doesn’t matter if your life’s pursuit is imitating the ghetto.
...Should a black man overcome his own culture, learn to wear a suit, marry a decent woman, raise a family and purchase a home in Outer Whitelandia, his friends and family will always look upon him as a traitor. The television, internet and radio will try their damnedest to convince his negro-with-a-silver-spoon sons to start imitating the poor, violent lifestyle their father escaped. Escaping is in-authentic. Escaping is to be an Uncle Tom. Men like Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, and countless nameless above average black men who present as average white men are house niggers in some kind of RethugliKKKan conspiracy to… I dunno… turn the descendants of captives into civilized people?  But we want these people. I want these people. I will claim Clarence Thomas as a leader in the W-PN movement if blacks won’t have him. They can keep Trayvon.
 And finally, this month's textbook example of anarcho-tyranny. TSA ADMITS LYING ABOUT ILLEGAL ALIENS FLYING WITHOUT PROPER ID
The newly-surfaced TSA letter was penned on August 7, according to the Gateway Pundit. It was reportedly sent from the TSA to Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX), a member of the Border Security Caucus. The letter confirms that illegal aliens are being allowed to board planes using a Notice to Appear form (also known as I-862), as Darby revealed in July. 
Hector Garza, a spokesman for the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) told Darby that Notice to Appear forms can "easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth."
Did ISIS get that memo?

And the bonus: Immigration is indeed a winning issue, as long as it's immigration restriction. After Hitting Shaheen on Immigration, Brown Closes Gap in New Hampshire

Saturday, August 9, 2014

ESPN Consumes Itself

ESPN has suspended another host. This one admitted that 20+ years ago, his girlfriend (now his wife) slapped him, so he slapped her back. They were both drunk and in college. This follows the suspension of another host who said you have to look at the facts of a case in domestic abuse situations. ESPN also suspended another host for making a joke billboard.
ESPN Suspends Host for Domestic Abuse Story

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The War on Whites

At least one Republican has woken up to reality. Let's see if this is picked up more broadly. Based on the way the Democrats have declared the "War on Women," pretty much anything white people want, that Democrats oppose, is evidence of hating whites and declaring war on them. In other words, it's illogical. The age of pure identity politics is almost upon us.

Republican blasts Dem 'war on whites'

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Must See Video

Stefan Molyneux explains the current immigration situation with a detour through communist takeover of American institutions.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monarchy Is Good

Why Monarchies Are Still Relevant and Useful in the 21st Century
Monarchies have an extremely valuable role to play, even in the 21st century. If anything their number should be added to rather than subtracted from. To understand why, it is important to consider the merits of monarchy objectively without resorting to the tautology that countries ought to be democracies because they ought to be democracies.
There are several advantages in having a monarchy in the 21st century......

Adam Carolla Sees Cthulhu

13 minutes in. Again...................something's happenning....and it's happening really fast and it's gettin' kinda scary. There's a new kind of, it's a weird thing, it's a kind of McCarthyism, but it's reverse's got a lynch mob mentality to it........

Friday, June 13, 2014

Those Catholic Progressives

This post at Jim's Blog garnered nearly 200 comments. The Christian right – is left.
Suppose a neoreactionary becomes a Roman Catholic. Trouble is that the Pope is to the left of Pol Pot. So he can disown the pope, and keep the New Testament, which is kind of protestant of him, or disown the New Testament and keep the pope, which is kind of commie of him.
He wants to be a throne and altar conservative, but all the thrones are empty, and all the altars desecrated, so he winds up worshiping desecration, which is one step away from the New Age worship of demons and the evil dead.
Communion for the Remarried Still a Heated Debate
Pope Francis doesn't like the discussion in view of the upcoming synod being focused only on communion for the divorced and remarried. He said so to journalists during the flight back to Rome from the Holy Land. His preference is decidedly for a "holistic," global reflection on the family. But what focused everyone's attention on that controversial point was precisely the presentation with which Cardinal Walter Kasper introduced the consistory last February. A presentation that Francis immediately passed with flying colors, telling the cardinals he had found it theologically "profound," "serene," thought out "on [his] knees," and that the Argentine Jesuit Juan Carlos Scannone, the theology professor of the young Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has praised even more highly in the latest issue of "La Civiltà Cattolica."
The fact is that since that consistory the controversy over communion for the remarried has rocked the Church even at the highest levels. Cardinal Kasper himself has again spoken out in favor of communion for the remarried, in an extensive interview with "Commonweal." But there has also been public opposition to Kasper, including from cardinals Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Carlo Caffarra, Velasio De Paolis, and Walter Brandmüller.
There are two letters posted at the link, one by Brandmüller, and one by Monsignor Martin Grichting, vicar general of the diocese of Chur, Switzerland, arguing against communion for the remarried.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hey Floating City Guys (Seasteaders)

Maybe you should make a deal with the Chinese. You can build a city on the sea and run by your own rules, but the Chinese get to claim it as territory when it comes to mineral rights. Or maybe get the Philippines and Japanese involved and see who makes the best offer.

 China plans artificial island in disputed Spratlys chain in South China Sea

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Anissimov on Infiltration; Why Social Conservatism is Necessary

Social Conservatism and Drawing a Line in the Sand
There is a certain basic amount of social conservatism which must be met among all those who label themselves “neoreactionary”. For instance, someone who is as socially liberal as the average member of the Democratic party would not qualify as a neoreactionary, even if they insisted upon using the label. I want to say that this wouldn’t be controversial among anybody, but I don’t even know anymore. That is a profoundly negative sign, a sign that we may be falling prey to Conquest’s Second Law: Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing. In other words, leftward drift is insidious.
That didn't take long at all.
“Neo” is not an infinite license to throw social conservatism out the window and allow libertarians to redefine neoreaction as “politically schizophrenic leftish anarcha-feminism” or whatever confused Whiggery their minds are still stuck on. The “neo” is a new discovery of reactionary thought, not the complete mutation of reactionary thought until it is in lockstep with modern liberal licentiousness. Any “reactionary”, neo or otherwise, who cannot react against liberalism and progressivism, is not a reactionary at all, nor a “neoreactionary.”
Lots more at the link. I have seen this going around. It's basically the "democracy sucks" wing of the Left, which has always existed. For the progressives, they need to take one step to  keep the game going: end elections and seize power. Permanently remove the threat of the yahoos. Yeah, Obama won and the demographics look good, but more Hispanics are checking the white box on the census. You don't think they'd ever vote for Palin, do you?

Anissimov also talks about the libertarians. They are in it for the process. They'll let the reactionaries go off and form their state of reaction, but they won't move there, they'll live in the low tax/socially liberal country that probably, if ever person in America who wanted that society moved there, would have a population not exceeding 3 million. But they won't like the state of reaction. And since the state of reaction will have a very small, but very powerful government that will attract the K-selected, it would quickly become the "hate state" and "something should have to be done about it" would become the popular opinion in the popular opinion forming progressive land.

There was a comment thread on dark enlightenment or neoreactionaries on reddit. One commenter said he was for the self-determination aspect (i'm glossing over a lot of details) and a DE/NRxer replied, what if that leads to very socially conservative society where pornography is banned, but everyone is cool with it? The commenter replied they'd start smuggling porn into that country. That describes the attitude of many (but far from all) libertarians.

A couple of days ago, Anissimov wrote The Purpose of Reactionaries
As reactionaries, we must reject behaviors and lifestyles which are destructive to strong families. Divorce, men pretending to be women, women pretending to be men, those who promote inter-gender conflict, men and women rejecting intimacy, bearing children out of wedlock; all these follies threaten the future and strength of our people. Societies that embrace them will die, those that reject them will live.
To the list add: reject pornography. People may struggle with that, but one must be firmly against it and seek to minimize it.

Ramzpaul also had an excellent summary of what is wrong with the PUA community at the end of this video:

The advice goes for individuals, but also for community. To build is to exclude. When a sculptor takes a block of stone, he does not add to it, he chisels it away. Inclusion is a fool's errand. Inclusion is a doctrine of progressivism: multiculturalism and "tolerance", in which tolerance means except everything and exclude nothing. The point isn't that reactionaries need decide how to exclude people, it is that a reactionary society excludes people because it is pursuing the goals such as order, stability, low time preference. A healthy reactionary/socially conservative society recognizes that divorce is like an infectious disease. Tolerance for weakness and sin among us will not help lift us up, but drag more of us down. Tolerate r-selected behaviors and they will spread. Enforce K-selected norms and they will dominate.

Right-wing societies survive because they fight to preserve order amidst chaos,  left-wing society let's the entropy come. This is perhaps one of the best descriptions of this aspect of a right-wing society:

The "Faustian" alternative to "classic" civilization really is no civilization at all. Goethe's tragedy remains the great modern epic. Faust has exhausted philosophy and science before signing up with Mephistopheles. At the end of his misadventures, his final hope is to live among a free people on free soil, on land reclaimed from the sea, an existence so precarious that it would rule out the cardinal sin of complacency. United against a sea that at any moment might rush in, Faust's people would live in a state of constant mobilization. One wonders if Goethe would have recognized his ideal in modern Israel. Tragically, however, Faust employs tyrannical methods to advance his project, which turns out to be delusional. Because Faust never ceased to strive through all his failed projects, Goethe allows his soul to be saved. That offers scant comfort to the rest of us, who observe that Faust left nothing but ruin behind him in all his striving.
The left says: come on in, the water's fine. Today, everyone is in the ocean. There is no dry land, not much larger than a church or a house anyway. To reclaim the land from the sea takes a mighty effort, but to begin you must start pumping out the water.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

At Least Neoreaction Asks Good Questions

If nothing else, the neoreactionaries are good at identifying a problem and asking pointed questions.

An Open Letter to Feminist Women of Color…

I bring this up because this sort of behavior is symbolic of how all white feminists have treated their feminist sisters of color, treating them as props for social status and using them as stepping stones on their career path, if not ignoring them completely. Search your feelings. You know this to be true.
Feminism was never about you. It was about white women, and you’re just a footnote to them. Have you ever felt that sometimes white feminists were being disingenuous around you, or maybe even toward you? Trust those feelings.
Now, I admit it, white feminists are powerful allies. I can understand if you don’t want to break with them entirely. Still, it seems clear that their interests are not your interests, and tying yourself to them completely will serve only to help them get what they want at the expense of you getting what you want.
More on the topic here: An Interview With Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield
Let me state up front that I don’t believe feminism engaged in any kind of mass conspiracy to essentially enslave black women – but the effect has been exactly that. It’s a nice coincidence that feminists seem deeply unwilling to address. There are two things working in concert: women in the paid labor force and single motherhood.
In order for (mostly) white women to enter the paid labor force with their fancy college degrees in reading and feeling, they need an exploitable class of individuals to provide domestic services at wages that won’t eat up their own wages. Maids, nannies, child care workers, housekeepers – these are some of the shittiest, most underpaid jobs a woman can get. And those are jobs that are disproportionately performed by women of color. In order to incentive women of color to accept these shitty jobs with crappy wages and no benefits, they need to have no plausible alternatives.
Enter the single mother. By creating a culture that is welcoming of single motherhood – de-stigmatizing it and treating it as a “lifestyle choice”,and then adding the widespread of incarceration of men of color and black men in particular, that incentive is in place. Daddy in jail and Mommy a single mother is a perfect recipe for creating an exploitable class of women who can pick up all the white lady’s shit work.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Deep Thoughts on President Obama

Police Commissioner in NH town has deep thoughts on Obama, airs his views and refuses to apologize for them.
"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse (sic)," Copeland said in the email. "For this, I do not apologize -- he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."
Wolfeboro residents demand commissioner resign over racial slur

Time to Organize A Move Your Deposits and Business From SunTrust Day...or Not

SunTrust Cuts Business Ties With Benham Brothers After Conservative Views Attacked
In their statement, the Benhams said they “recognize SunTrust’s right to hire or fire any real estate broker they choose but do not support the decision” to fire independent franchisees that are associated with them. Many of these franchisees, they said, “do not hold the same beliefs” they do.
“As Americans we find ourselves at a crossroads and are forced with a decision to either stand up or sit down,” David Benham said. “Evidently, SunTrust’s longstanding commitment to diversity must not include our historic Christian values.”
One such franchisee is Joel Morimanno of Benham Real Estate of SW Florida.
“I believe SunTrust has requested a blanket reassignment of all Benham Brother listings across the nation because of their Christian beliefs,” Morimanno said in a statement to TheDC.
“The success of my business is based on my performance,” he said. “I work hard to maintain a Preferred Status with all my clients. It appears that SunTrust simply reassigned the listing based on other external factors.”
In an email obtained by TheDC, Morimanno was told by SunTrust’s third-party asset management company: “Unfortunately the seller (SunTrust) is asking for this property to be re-assigned. This was the direct clients (SunTrust) request. I really appreciate all your efforts on this property…This one is out of our control. It is really nothing you did.”
“It is highly unusual for a big asset manager to reassign assets without cause. I even offered to waive my commissions on the sale of the property but they refused and said they were required to reassign the property,” Morimanno explained.
Organize a day and have everyone move their deposits and business from SunTrust. Maybe June 3? That is the day of Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions.

One of 22 Ugandan martyrs, Charles Lwanga is the patron of youth and Catholic action in most of tropical Africa. He protected his fellow pages (aged 13 to 30) from the homosexual demands of the Bagandan ruler, Mwanga, and encouraged and instructed them in the Catholic faith during their imprisonment for refusing the ruler’s demands. For his own unwillingness to submit to the immoral acts and his efforts to safeguard the faith of his friends, Charles was burned to death at Namugongo on June 3, 1886, by Mwanga’s order.
Update: SunTrust Reverses Decision On Conservative Benham Brothers

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Society Cannot Tolerate White Liberals Anymore

Ever notice that white liberals like to scream about how white NFL quarterbacks or Silicon Valley programmers are, but they never notice how the liberal media is dominated by white people? Something must be done about this. It is intolerable than in 2014, liberalism is still run by white people. The Democratic Party is almost 50% minority, but aside from the 50% minority president, does anyone see much minority in the faces of Democrats? No, instead it is white, white, white. Turn on the TV and the liberal media is dominated by white faces. Sure, the racists at Fox will have white people, but what can we do about that? Racist gonna raciss'. But we can do something about racism in the liberal media because liberals care about diversity, but they aren't practicing it, at least according to this article written by a white guy who is a minority because Hispanic.

The Unbearable Whiteness of Liberal Media

Friday, April 25, 2014

Blank Slate Trigger Warning

The secret of longer life: eat raw fish and drink green tea

The benefits of drinking green tea and eating raw fish are extolled in a new study showing that Japanese women live longer than any others. Their ultra-healthy diet — no bread, no dairy — means that they live to an average of 86.4 years, considerably older than British women at 82.7 years and even the famously healthy Italians at 84.4. The Office for National Statistics said however that there was no reason why British women should not catch up with their Asian counterparts if they adopted a similar lifestyle......

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bad Vibrations

On Sunday, Vox Day asked: Why now? Referencing recent episodes at Brandeis, Mozilla, (and we could add SFWA, A&E and more) Ross Douthat wrote:
What both cases illustrate, with their fuzzy rhetoric masking ideological pressure, is a serious moral defect at the heart of elite culture in America.
Vox commented: Dogmatic and dishonest
I think the interesting question to ask here is not why these organizations are behaving in this morally defective fashion, but rather, why now?
Today, Vox posts a message from Anonymous Conservative:
Something difficult to pin down is activating amygdalae. It's telling everyone's brain that bad is coming, and everyone is trying to assuage those amygdalae, to turn off all the uncomfortable warning alarms they are producing in their brains. Conservatives buy up guns and canned goods to ease the stress level and lower the warning level by preparing. Liberals, deep down know the collapse is the end for them, so the only way to assuage their amygdalae is to retreat even deeper into the bubbles of denial that are producing our problems the begin with. Part of that denial is sending anyone who doesn't tell them the future is happy far, far away, so they won't have to think about it.
Perhaps it is...the horror.
“What is to be done?” is not a neutral question. The agent it invokes already strains towards progress. This suffices to suggest a horrorist response: Nothing. Do nothing. Your progressive ‘praxis’ will come to nought in any case. Despair. Subside into horror. You can pretend to prevail in antagonism against ‘us’, but reality is your true — and fatal — enemy. We have no interest in shouting at you. We whisper, gently, in your ear: “despair”.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

When Patriarchs Rule: Delta/Beta Country

This is what a nation values when its culture is ruled by the iron fist of the Patriarchy.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

China Still Sells Them

Hungarian Right in Control

Fidesz and company win 44%, Jobbik wins 20%.

Hungary re-elects ruling party in parliamentary vote, far-right gains support
The Fidesz party is estimated to have won 133 out of 199 mandates in parliament, the election office said after 96 percent of the votes were counted. The leftist alliance is forecasted to win 38 seats, while Jobbik is expected to win 23 seats.
Hungarian politics is now the complete opposite of most Western nations. Where the center parties rule as the far-left party pulls the center towards the left in most of Europe and North America, the decidedly conservative Fidesz rules as Jobbik pulls the nation further right.
Orban has trumpeted a more than 20-per cent cut in utility prices but value-added tax (VAT) is the highest in the EU. Poverty rates are high and a harsh “workfare” scheme forces the unemployed to perform menial work in return for benefits.
The left is paying for their attacks on Fidesz. They lumped them together with Jobbik and tried to destroy them both in the Western leftist controlled media. Now Jobbik is surging in popularity and even the left has to admit Fidesz is not Jobbik.