Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hungarian Right in Control

Fidesz and company win 44%, Jobbik wins 20%.

Hungary re-elects ruling party in parliamentary vote, far-right gains support
The Fidesz party is estimated to have won 133 out of 199 mandates in parliament, the election office said after 96 percent of the votes were counted. The leftist alliance is forecasted to win 38 seats, while Jobbik is expected to win 23 seats.
Hungarian politics is now the complete opposite of most Western nations. Where the center parties rule as the far-left party pulls the center towards the left in most of Europe and North America, the decidedly conservative Fidesz rules as Jobbik pulls the nation further right.
Orban has trumpeted a more than 20-per cent cut in utility prices but value-added tax (VAT) is the highest in the EU. Poverty rates are high and a harsh “workfare” scheme forces the unemployed to perform menial work in return for benefits.
The left is paying for their attacks on Fidesz. They lumped them together with Jobbik and tried to destroy them both in the Western leftist controlled media. Now Jobbik is surging in popularity and even the left has to admit Fidesz is not Jobbik.

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