Thursday, November 12, 2015

White Democrats Wake Up to Their Extinction

Obama Legacy in State Offices: A Shrinking Democratic Share
But even some supporters say that Democrats face a major challenge in cultivating a new generation of politicians able to reach beyond the Democratic base and speak to white voters, especially white men, in states around the country. Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011, said he was very worried by the absence of successful Democratic candidates positioned to move up, especially in the South, as well as in swing states like Ohio.

“We are losing the white male vote in droves, and we’ve got to appeal to the white male with stronger economic themes, inequality themes,” he said. “We have to find a way to do that, but what is key is recruiting more white male, and women, candidates. We can’t just become the minority advocate party.”
Now is the time to push right. All the Democrats have is demographics. Take that away and they are finished.

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