Sunday, March 29, 2015

Industrial Scale Rape of Young Girls in the UK

The mass rape of girls in the UK is far more widespread than previously believed. It was only last year we learned of 1400 raped girls in Rotherham, now there are 400 more cases in Oxfordshire. The British government at all levels looks far worse than the Catholic Church, which covered up priest abuse, but did not allow churches to operate industrial scale rape gangs. For British politicians, however, industrial scale rape of what is likely tens of thousands of young girls across Britain is a small price to pay for not being called racist by SJWs.

Hundreds of young people groomed and sexually exploited by gangs in Oxfordshire for 15 years but police and social service failed to stop it, report to reveal
According to the Guardian, one 12-year-old girl was taken to a Reading house for a backstreet abortion during a six-year period where she was passed between groups of men who raped her in what she called 'torture sex'.

The plight of the victims was laid bare in 2013 when seven members of a sadistic gang were jailed for a total of 95 years for their 'depraved' and 'evil' abuse of vulnerable girls.

Five gang members were given life sentences and two others were jailed for seven years for 'crimes of the utmost gravity'.

The paedophile network groomed more than 50 vulnerable girls in Oxford between 2004 and 2012 with gifts, alcohol and drugs before subjecting them to extreme physical and sexual violence.

They used knives, meat cleavers and baseball bats to inflict severe pain on the girls for their twisted pleasure.
British Girls Raped by Muslim Gangs on "Industrial Scale"
According to the Telegraph, local authorities across Britain are expending "considerable intellectual effort" into finding reasons not to conduct mandatory public investigations into child sexual abuse out of a fear of "negative publicity."

An investigation cited by the paper found more than 30 instances where local authorities refused to conduct a Serious Case Review, which is required by law whenever a child is seriously harmed as a result of abuse. When investigations were conducted, in many cases the reports failed to examine how "fear, overwork, timidity, willful blindness and over-optimism" had led social workers to make bad decisions.

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